New strategic direction

With the change of name of Oest Tankstellen GmbH & Co. KG into OEST ENERGIES GmbH & Co. KG marks the beginning of a new phase in the future direction…

Children Help Children

This year, employees of the Oest Group once again delivered a lot of Christmas parcels for the "Children Help Children" project.

Future Forum Petrol Station

The 9th UNITI Future Forum Petrol Station in Berlin focused on current trends and innovations in the world of petrol stations for two days.

Oest at Blechexpo 2023

At the international trade fair for sheet metal working from November 7-10 in Stuttgart, the focus will be on detailed and system solutions for…

Jowat SE relies on application system from Oest

With more than 1,200 employees worldwide, Jowat SE is one of the technology leaders in adhesive manufacturing.

Successful trade fair appearance at Maktek Konya

From October 11-14, one of the most important trade fairs for the engineering industry and metalworking took place in Turkey.

Sustainable support for "Blooming Nature Park" project

Oest Tankstellen GmbH & Co. KG has been a partner of the Black Forest Nature Park Central/North since 2021 and supports the "Blooming Nature Park"…

Oest receives the Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Companies

OEST LUBRICANTS GmbH & Co. KG was awarded the highest distinction of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation at the Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Companies.

Oest presents new cooling lubricant monitoring system at EMO

EMO, one of the world's most important trade fairs for production technologies, will take place in Hanover from 18-23 September 2023.

Release agent for highest DGNB Platinum Standard successfully in use

Oest Econol Bio BTM 01 is an environmentally friendly, easily biodegradable release agent that does not require labelling, especially for smooth…